Each day I look forward to reading the new posts of my blogging friends. My Google Reader has close to 50 subscriptions which I scan through quickly each morning. I go back later in the day and read new posts more thoroughly. While I don't have time to comment on all of them, I always take away something that enriches or amuses me. We went for a long walk early in the morning yesterday before it got too hot. As I walked along the river I noticed how many things I recognized that I wouldn't have a year ago.

This week,
Jennifer posted a picture of wild cucumber flowers on her Flickr page. I would not have recognized these tiny blooms if I had not seen her post. I wonder how little flowers produce such large, spongy seed cases in the fall?
Larry admitted that he has difficulty with sparrow identification, especially with juvenile birds around. This little sparrow looked like it had fur and feathers.
Tom, and
Laura would not have difficulty identifying it. I wouldn't have given it a second thought before.
Susan has made me more aware of the importance of native species. This weekend we cleaned out the garden and removed the plants that are not thriving in our soil and climate. I have some ideas for fall plantings that will include more native plants.
Bloggers with literary talents like
Donna and
Laura inspire me to write more creatively. I would love to give tribute to all my favourite bloggers in this post, but I have to go to work soon. My sidebar lists the blogs I enjoy most.
I would like to take a road trip when I have two or three months off (!) and travel the continent meeting the people who have enriched my life. My trip would take me through most of America, including Alaska as well as British Columbia and eastern Ontario.
Well, that trip is a dream right now.
In the meantime, I will continue my daily visits in virtual reality.
Ruth--Hurray--I am the first, and I will say you teach all of your readers too. I have learned a great deal from reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't such a road trip be fun!
Hi Ruth,
ReplyDeletethat was a nice post. I, too, have been learning from other bloggers. Let me know if you ever decide to take such a road trip and it winds through southern Minnesota.
BTW - I reserved the Omnivore's Dilemma at the Library and they called yesterday to tell me it has arrived
I've learned alot from you too Ruth. Your posts about the elderly are especially insightful and always touch my heart. Reading about other bloggers' passions inspire me to learn more.
ReplyDeleteBTW- I'll drive down to Ruthie's when you do your road trip just to save you a few miles!!
We would LOVE to take a road trip across Canada ... buy one of those T@B trailers and just take off. You'd thing we were retired and could do so but it is amazing as to just what ties one down! First of all DH takes on sub contract work for the summer ... so we can do some extra projects around our new house (moved in Dec 2005, raw yard, no wood shed etc) ... and that REALLY cuts into tootling around the countryside when the weather is prime. Then, we visit my Mom, 93 and in a home at the coast about every 5-6 weeks. That cuts into our time too. And on it goes. The upshot is, we hardly ever get away on a real holiday. But we are not complaining because, sitting out on our own back deck, we FEEL like we are camping. We also live in a real recreational kind of area.
ReplyDeleteWe did take a train trip across Canada 3 weeks after we were married (we will have been married 3 years August 28) and that was great but FAR to quick ... not near enough time to see all we would like to see ... only enough time to whet our appetite. Pictures of our wedding and train trip are here: http://community.webshots.com/user/brownd19 The smaller album of the train trip actually has the nicer pictures.
TTFN .. Ciceroo from the Cariboo!
ReplyDeleteAnd WE all learn from you. Every time you post!
Ruth, You are "ALWAY" welcome here when you do your adventure across the united states! Thanks for such kind words with me and everyone! You are such a special blogging friend and it is wonderful learning from so many great people!
ReplyDeletePS: Thinking of switching over to google reader, my RSS feeder is acting up right now showing many older post from everyone! I am very confused trying to figure out what I have or have not read yet!
ReplyDeleteNice Post!-Too bad I have to be the one having difficulties-Oh Well-I might as well tell it like it is.-I would love to take such a road trip myself.-I like what many of your posts have to offer-both historically educational and inspirational.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ruth - you'd be so welcome here. The connections we make in cyber-space are precious.
ReplyDeleteFinding people with similar sensibilities and broad-ranging interests enriches our lives.
We share our knowledge - our thoughts - our passions with others who in another time we'd never have had the opportunity to meet.
Your blog is rich with all these elements. Thanks for sharing your world.
KMom- I really enjoy your posts, especially about Africa and your experiences as a MK. I'll let you know when I start the trip ;-)
ReplyDeleteRuthieJ- Minnesota would be fun. My daughter just went out west by car and is telling me I have to do it too. The book is interesting, but best digested in small chunks!
Lynne- I identify with you and your hospital job. I would love to see Hasty Brook. Yes, I am inspired to learn from reading what others say. We will all stay young with all this mental stimulation!
Cicero Sings- I have never been west of Ontario and that is a sad thing for a Canadian to admit. I will be checking out your photo album.
Mary- You are an inspiration with you zest for life. Hope you get your internet problems sorted out soon!
Monarch- I have already figured out that it is just a 3 hour drive to visit you and Jennifer.(that is if the border is not busy) Hope you are able to do banding next year...
and yes, Google Reader is the best. I was using Yahoo and had the same problem of late and out of order notifications.
Larry- Thanks! But you never told me what my furry sparrow was. I am guessing a Song Sparrow, but that's because all my unknown sparrows have been Song Sparrows.
Cathy- I may have to start my trip in the north...NY OH PA MI, all a relatively short drive from Ontario. Visiting bloggers would be so much more fun than outlet malls!
Hi Ruth,
ReplyDeleteThat yellow flower with the different leaves ... could it be Geum macrophyllum? Large- leaved Avens?
How true! And, I find that in trying to put my own info out there, I research the topic a little more beforehand, just to be sure what I'm saying is not wrong. It all adds up to a wealth of newly learned things. I'm very thankful for that--there's always something I'm "studying"--sparrows, plants,...
ReplyDeleteAwww shucks... and I agree with other commenters... I learn from you, too!!!
ReplyDeleteRuth - that sounds like quite a trip - don't forget to add Silicon Valley, California to your trip list! ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt would tough for me to be sure with that picture but if I'm not sure and it's close, I go with the Song Sparrow-
ReplyDeleteIt does seem to have loose breast streaking-a dark spot on the chest which is not a sure thing field mark.-The bill seems about right.-
The thing is Ruth, unless there is a clear view of definitive field marks it's tough for me personally to be sure.
Cicero Sings- The photo is here
(I really need to work on my html!)
MaryC- I wouldn't miss your area on my trip for anything! Your pictures are gorgeous!
Nina- I enjoy your thoughtful posts and you inspire me to keep learning too.
Jennifer- What can I say...you are a constant inspiration for learning with enthusiasm.
Larry- I put you in the spot! But it does look like a Song Sparrow. I was hoping for something I had never seen before. Not that I have anything against these beautiful singers!
Ruth-If I have to take a guess and I'm not sure-I guess at what is the more common species possibility-With that pic-I couldn't be certain though.