Saturday, June 30, 2007

Think on these things...

Whatever things are true,
whatever things are noble,

whatever things are just,
whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and
if there is anything praiseworthy—
meditate on these things.

Philippians 4:8

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."
Henri Matisse

A safe and happy holiday weekend to all my friends and family in the blogosphere who share the beauty of the things around them and fill my day with inspiration and good news!


  1. Phil. 4:8 absolutely my most favorite scripture. I've lived by the theme of that verse for the past 37 years.
    Thank you Ruth for your interesting, and inspirational, blogs.

  2. Anonymous8:39 pm GMT-4

    And a Happy Dominion Day to you, tomorow. Our "Independence Day", next Wednesday! Independence in quotes (inverted commas, ala British) because I'm not sure we are nearly so independent as we used to think we were. Blessings, Father "C"

  3. I always liked this passage from Philippians. It is very poetic in structure and content.

  4. Same to you, Ruth. You inspire.

  5. And to you too Ruth. You enrich the lives of so many with your beautiful and thoughful posts.

  6. I've never seen the Matisse quote and it's beautiful and thought-provoking. Good reminder for me. I can get bogged down in what's going wrong, but there's so much good in my life. Danke, Ruth!

  7. Oh, yes, Ruth! There is so much good - so much of value in this world. Let us celebrate and thank you for reminding us of that great good.

  8. OmaLois- Thank you! The verse is a sure cure for a negative mindset.

    Father C- I am not sure you are independent from the British, at least in this presidency ;-)
    But a happy Independence Day anyway!

    KGMom- I like teaching this as a memory verse in Sunday School as the children pick up the poetic form easily.

    Laura- Yes, it is really worth framing.

    Mary and Jayne- Thanks...we need others for inspiration and you, along with others provide it daily for me.

    AfricaKid- Things do go wrong and we cannot ignore them. However, we needn't dwell on them either ...easier said than done!

    Cathy- We are surrounded by kind and caring people most of the time, but one rude person can ruin our day if we let them. We need to celebrate the good we see.


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