Today I celebrate yet another year of living, not a special birthday, just another birthday. I have never thought of myself as old even though I am undeniably middle aged, and sometimes feel no different than I did when I was thirty. The women of my family have lived to good old ages and I have excellent role models for the future. Working with older people also keeps me feeling young although some of my coworkers are the age of my children. I have seen young 90 year olds and 50 year olds who seem twice their age.
What is it that keeps some people eternally young?
It is not a cosmetic cream, a face lift, a hair colour, a shape or a style of clothing.
Here is what I have noticed about people who remain youthful all their days.
Waiting for a very overdue flight in a Mexican airport
They are interested in trying new things and never stop learning.
They are able to accept change gracefully and without complaint. They are comfortable with themselves.
They are sincerely interested in other people and are good listeners. Nothing ages a person more than rambling on and on about the good old days.
They have a positive attitude about the future even if the present is troubled. They do not talk about how bad the world is getting which discourages and alienates those in younger generations. They are not overly critical of children, teenagers and young adults and are accepting of youthful ways, even if they do things differently. They mix well with all age groups.
They can be trusted to keep a confidence and share the wisdom that comes with experience without judgement or a superior attitude.
They do not put unrealistic expectations on others or feel they are owed service or affection from those closest to them. They do not put others on guilt trips or play family members against each other.
Even if their physical bodies break down, they focus on what they can do rather than what they cannot do.
Their faces wrinkle in smile lines, not frown lines. They never forget how to laugh or love.
She starts by saying, "As I get..."older", I've noticed how lately I've been monitoring my parents more and if they were children.