Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Flowers: February Reds

The plants in my kitchen window thrive on the light which grows longer each day despite the harsh cold and snow on the other side of the pane.

Amaryllis buds swell red with promise of beauty worth waiting two months of development to see.

My tired old Christmas cactus produced three buds a year and only one or two would go on to full flower. I moved the plant to the basement in late November and left it in a dark corner without water for six weeks. After the holidays it was covered in buds which are now opening bright each day.

I sit at my desk at the hospital, my feet on the wall heater, and look out the window at the red of frozen crab apples against white snow. I keep hoping to see a flock of Waxwings land on them as they have in years past. Where are they sheltered in this deep cold?

“Keep your faith in beautiful things
In the sun when it is hidden
In the Spring when it is gone.”

Roy R Gibson


  1. My dad always had a Amaryllis plant in the house. When I saw your picture it was the first thing that came to my mind. Your plant looks amazingly healthy. I hope you see the Waxwings too...but at least your toes will be toasty with the heater in the deep cold we are having.

  2. My little Cyclamen is blooming up a storm for Valentine's Day (that's when I got it last year!) and it's so lovely to see that splash of red!

  3. I really like how you presented that first picture.

  4. I miss having a Christmas cactus! I gave mine away 2 moves ago and have never gotten another. And I would love to see a flock of waxwings right about now! I hope they show up for you!

  5. Such a nice burst of color on a winter white day.

    I must say, this year, I'm really looking forward to snow melt and to SPRING! The snow is so deep on my front lawn I'm thinking it will take forever to melt away.

  6. There is still beauty even on the coldest day.

  7. Love the bright colors of the cactus, just perfect for Valentines Day.

  8. These colours really do feel like the promise of Spring and warmth. I love the contrast of red agains the white of snow.
    My grandfather's name was Roy Gibson. :)

  9. I'm always interested to see which birds willl come to strip the fruit from the trees.I too hope for waxwings but it's usually the robins that win out.


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