Monday, July 24, 2006

Steps towards independence….

The road to recovery after a devastating illness or accident is often long, rough and at times discouraging. Having to relearn movements and functions that were previously automatic is hard work. Full recovery is not always possible.

I am amazed at the resilience of the human spirit and the will many people show in overcoming a disability. Working with sick patients can be very draining physically and emotionally. But I meet many wonderful people who give me far more than I give them. It is a pleasure to help them as they work to achieve their goals.

Graham* had been totally blind for 10 years as a result of diabetes. He had several other serious medical problems. Yet I never once heard him complain about his dark world. He talked about his sons and his grandchildren with pride. His face would light up with pleasure when he heard his wife’s voice as she came to visit. There was a joke for anyone who had time to listen. He would take my arm as he practiced walking and we counted his progress in steps ….10 ….50 ….100…200. He worked on the stairs in the picture. The day came for his discharge home and I had to thank him for the privilege of meeting him.

Do I take my physical and mental abilities for granted?

Do I complain that my thighs are too fat, when my muscles work without pain or effort?

Do I focus too much on my own feelings and complain too much about my job?

Probably yes, but I’m working on it…

*Name and some details changed

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