We have had several inches of snow over the past two days and while it is an inconvenience for us, it is a real hardship for the birds. Yesterday I heard the calls of Red-winged Blackbirds outside and saw several of them at my feeder. We have never had these birds in our yard. A group of Common Grackles joined them and added to the noise as they competed for my single, small sunflower seed feeder.

A couple of Robins fluffed their feathers against the cold and watched from the snow covered branches of the lilac bush. I felt sorry for them and placed some plumped up raisins in a dish on the picnic table. As far as I could tell, they never tried my offered treat.

There are still a few Juncos about and this snow must be confusing the spring signal that tells them to fly back up north. I have seen several American Tree Sparrows and Pine Siskins around this week too.

The Chickadees enjoyed the GORP (good old raisins and peanuts) and the sunflower seeds I put out for the ground feeding birds. It was a busy day on the deck with a good mix of winter and spring birds. The temperatures are supposed to rise above freezing by Thursday and hopefully the snow will melt by the weekend. In any case, these are the LAST winter pictures I will post this season!
Species Seen:
Black-capped Chickadee, House Finch, Goldfinch, Mourning Dove, Pine Siskin, Common Grackle, Red-winged Blackbird, House Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, American Robin, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, American Crow, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Grey Squirrel, Red Squirrel
Who can blame the squirrel for intruding when he is as... cute as an otter?? :-D Aw, squirrels always cheer me up! The monkeys of cold countries!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful birds. They're lucky you take such good care of them. The squirrel is cute, too, although he's stealing more than his share of seed.
ReplyDeleteI too have put out raisins for robins in spring snow storms, and urged them from behind the windowpane to break with Darwinian tradition and try something different (with same results as you). Great photos!
ReplyDeleteOh, I do hope it is your last snow too Ruth. I am sure the birds really appreciate your extra efforts to give them something to eat when all is covered in snow.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dump of snow! I would be very sad to see the like now that I'm finally seeing the garden ... so I hope, hope, hope we don't get the like.
ReplyDeleteI often wonder what the birds and animals think when we get those weird late snowfalls.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful birds.
You did get quite a bit of snow. We were spared for the most part, though the birds flocked to the feeders as if there was a blizzard on the way.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean to be mean, but there actually called Common not Purple Grackles.
ReplyDeleteI too feel sad for the birds. I see the Robins trying to search for food in an area where the snow has melted. In the past 4/5 days the population of them has tripled. I beat when they arrived here they went into a state of shock like most of us Ontarians. Glad to know this is the last winter post (for a few months anyways). On the weekend I heard a Junco singing up a storm. I had to do a double look to make sure what I was seeing. Boy can they carry a tune. Impressive!
ReplyDeleteLife must be tough for the birds when these late snows come.They seem to have a good feast available for them at you house.
I was going to do a Last Snow post too! But never got my camera out today. Our snow is almost gone. I also saw some juncos today and wondered if the snow was holding them back from leaving.
ReplyDeleteI've never had luck with putting out raisins for birds either. As with you, it's the squirrels that eat everything.
Let's hope warm temps melt everything. We could use some sunshine!
I hope the snow ends for you soon. I am so glad to hear that it should all melt tomorrow, the poor birds. LOVE the chickadee photo!
ReplyDeleteAll these critters are fortunate to have found the varied buffet you serve. Including the adorable squirrel still wearing its winter coat.
ReplyDeleteI figured we'd have more snow before winter was done, but now I want the sun back. So far, this morning is not promising.
ReplyDeleteMore snow-yuck! I always say I want to move north but when I see seens of snow in April it makes me think twice.-Nice the birdies though.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your comments. The snow is almost gone, at least where the sun shines, and none of the birds like raisins...
ReplyDeletePoor birds, they must be wondering if they got the dates wrong. I throw out unused rice to feed my birds.