Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Flowers: Drought Resistant


This summer, like several in the past few years, has been very dry and warm. Our soil is very sandy which is good for drainage around the foundation of the house, but not as good for the plants in our garden.

Other herbs such as sage, thyme and tarragon have also done well

We have put loads of topsoil on the lawn and garden in the past 20 years, but the sand always rises to the top eventually. In the late 1990's, I watered the garden with a hose every evening and had impressive blooms throughout each growing season.

Sedum- Gold Moss Stonecrop

In the past few years, our municipality has restricted our watering to the point where we can now only water with a hose once a week. Our watering day is Thursday, from 7-11 AM and 7-11 PM. We are permitted to hand water any day of the week with a can.

Cold Hardy Yucca

The only annuals I have are in a few pots around the deck, and the rest of my garden consists of perennials. A couple of weeks ago I dug up a number of plants that were not doing well in drought conditions including my Bee Balm and Pinks.

Autumn Joy Sedum
Will be flowering soon

My rose bushes are barely alive and will likely come out in the fall. But the plants pictured have thrived with neglect and flourish in poor, dry soil. I need to find more plants that can survive our long, cold winters and hot summers.

Another Lily

What plants do you have that grow well in these conditions?


  1. Acacia trees do well in hot summers as well as Gaf trees.
    Hope that helps.

  2. they survive a deep freeze? Which one comes with tree climbing goats? I know our "drought" conditions are nothing compared to yours!

  3. Anonymous8:58 am GMT-4

    This is a wonderful Friday Flowers! BRAVO!

  4. Anonymous9:09 am GMT-4

    Here in NC, drought has ravaged my azaleas and hydrangeas. However, the rosemary, salvia, and petunias are doing gangbusters. And the hostas, IIRC a relative of all those beautiful lilies, are doing well, too; they're in a big sandy shaded planter that seems to always stay dampish.

  5. Zinnias, cannas, lilies, crepe myrtles, magnolia blossoms are doing well in the drought. All else looks very sorry...poor hydrangeas. All trees are drooping, even the oaks.

    That last photo is a winner!

  6. My day lilies thrive on cold winters, hot dry summers, poor soil and neglect.

  7. It has been a bad summer for plants needing water. I planted a new tree that has lost all its leaves save a few.

  8. Hi Ruth,
    I have many of the same flowers as you and although we haven't been quite as dry, the daylilies and hostas seemed to do quite well even during the hottest and dryest days (even when I didn't get a chance to water them!)

  9. The goats were in the acacia trees. And all the vegetation here takes below freezing which does happen in the desert. A couple of years ago we got a layer of snow on the mountain tops here.
    But will it survive Canada? And if it does do you need another invasive specie. Hmmmm .... back to you.

  10. That's a sad image - you having to say goodbye to bee balm and pinks.

    Your stalwart drought-resistant flowers are lovely.

    Hmmmm. How about Yarrow? I'll have to google it for water needs, but I'm thinking it might be a good one.

    Yep: Moonshine & Salmon Beauty

  11. Thanks for all your comments. Day lilies take the prize as fellow Canadians Karen and Mike point out. I will have to look into some of the flowers suggested by Mary, Eve and Cathy. Ruthie, my hostas are pathetic this year! Donna, I bet your poolside pots are spectacular. SLB, you had better keep the acacia in the Arabian Peninsula. (Glad to see you updated your blog!)


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